Well i tried to make this one but it just didn't turn out how i wanted it to.
Friday, December 3, 2010
My Gingerbread Creation!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Washington here we come!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 8:27 PM 1 comments

Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 26, 2010
This concert was defiantly one of my top 10 best nights!! It was such a good concert! It was brad paisley, darius rucker, steel magnolia and three other guys but i dont remember their names. Darius Rucker wasn't as good as i expected but Brad was amazing! in the middle of the concert this guy just came up to me and handed me a piece of paper and said "go enjoy yourself, have a good time!" so i looked at it and it was a sixth row ticket! i was so excited and i wasn't about to waste this opportunity. so i went down there but i couldn't get clear down to the sixth row but i go down as far as i could. It was seriously hand down the best night i have had all year. Didn't get out of there and home till 2 AM but i was worth it!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 5:06 PM 2 comments
So braxton is doing fall lacrosse this year. he really likes it! it is so much fun to watch him enjoy something that he has to himself. This isn't the best season for his team right now they are 0-4 i think but oh well he is just happy that he gets to play the entire game!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 5:03 PM 1 comments
My first UTAH game!!
So i (cortney) got to go to my first ever Utah game! It was a blast! I was way excited because we got to go down on the field, i can't wait to go to another one!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Saying good-bye to our puppy!
We had to sell Dakota he just ended up being more then we could handle. He ate through everything and he chewed up a mattress, shoes, bed sheets, and everything else. He was a cute dog but we are definitely a one dog family!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
Family Time
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 2:41 PM 2 comments
East Canyon with the Cannons
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 2:32 PM 1 comments
Saddle Up Partner!!
My Dad actually got on the horse
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 2:18 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Foot Update!
Saturday had to be one of the most painful days of my life. All the numbness was gone and i swear the pain pills weren't doing a thing. I sat and was screaming for about an hour and a half straight because the pain was so bad. All day Sunday i had it up and elevated because there was a post trek fireside i really wanted to go to. So i went to that, i was planning on just putting my foot up on the bench while it was going on. A girl sat down next to me and i didn't notice until our whole row was filled, by then it was to late to put it up. So i just ended up having my foot down for two hours, it was the most painful thing after i got home. I didn't know you could have to much blood in your foot :). Monday was pretty good, i just layed around all day then went to CJ's baseball game. They lose traumatically 1 to 26 or something like that all i know is that their team was only 1. On Tuesday i went to the doctor. He said that everything looked great, there was no infection. I was so shocked how much my foot was bruised(sorry didn't have a phone or camera to take pictures). My ankle is non-existent, it is now a cankle. ha ha ha!! Went to another baseball game Tuesday night, luckily our team won 22-6 this time. I was trying to walk without my crutches. I could only do one step before it would start to hurt. I was so frustrated. This morning was a huge achievement, i was able to walk from my room down in the basement up to my parent room without crutches! I was so so excited! I am just happy that i am being able to see progress happening. Thanks for all the support from all of you guys. Love ya all tons.
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
Foot Surgery
This morning i had foot surgery at Alta View. It was for a tailors bunion on my left foot. I had to be there at 6:30 AM, i haven't woken up that early since school ended. So we get there and the nurse takes me back to do the weight, blood pressure, and all that fun stuff. Then she tells me that she needs to take my blood. I was nervous cuz i've never had my blood taken before. So it kinda hurt but then the part that hurt the most was the tape, she put it on so tight! I have an extreme dislike for surgical gowns, they are so uncomfortable. The anesthesiologist came in and told me what he was planning on doing. Then he stuck the IV in my hand. That had to be one of the most painful things. Even now it still hurts where he put it in. They only put me to sleep for the numbing and for a little bit of the surgery for the rest of it i wasn't fully asleep we were talking. After they took me back to a room, gave me some apple juice and let me wake up a little bit more. I was in and out of the hospital within 3 hours. I think i set a new record or something. So i am only in a boot, no cast for me what a luck person i am! Right now my foot is kinda tingly but i can't tell if it is just starting to come un-numbed or if i am cutting of circulation. So everything is going well but i am not really excited for tomorrow, i've been told by a lot of people that it will be the worst. i'm just happy my foot is going to look normal.
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I went to pioneer trek this past week. It was so much fun! i really didn't want to go when they first told us about it, thinking about it i didn't want to go the morning i got there. we go to the place we were going, which was Deseret Live Stock Ranch, which is just about ten miles before you reach Evanston, Wyoming. AKA: the middle of no where! we then met our families, mine was amazing! There was this one girl who i connected with the second we met. Her name is Teighlor Melton, she is like my clone, we are so much alike it is kinda scary. We walked 6 miles the first day, i was so exhausted and sore. The best part is that our food was catered by Apple Spice Junction. It was delicious!!! The second day we walked about 8 miles. I wasn't as sore but we did something so much fun that night. We did square dancing! i was hesitant at first to do it but once i tried it, it was a blast. we were all exhausted after that so we went to bed. The third day we was the hardest, longest, best, and worst day of the whole thing. We had the women's pull at the very beginning of the day. It was so neat to see all the guys at the top of the hill just mad that they couldn't help us up the hills we had to do. After it was over one of my friend came up to me and gave me a hug and told me he was proud of me. i wanted to start crying. After that the wind started to blow so hard. by the time we got to lunch my eye was swollen shut from the dirt and crap i had gotten in it. we all wanted to quit, but we just kept going. by the end of the day we had walked about 10 miles. that night was testimony meeting, it was great! overall it was a great experiance, i would do it again in a heartbeat!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 9:22 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 4, 2010
New addition to the famiy
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 8:26 PM 0 comments