Thursday, April 8, 2010

Girls Pref

Our last school dance is coming up and i am going. The guy i really wanted to ask got asked so i had to ask another friend. His name is Tanner. I am excited. I was going to ask him by putting a real baby chick in a box and say "this chick wants to go to the dance with you!" but i had a issue. IFA only sells chicks in sixes. So i just put peeps, chocolate chickens, and confetti eggs in a box and said "this chick want to go the the dance with you!". He answered me back by putting a box full of blue m&m's on my porch. There was a not on it that said "Roses are red, M&M's are blue, If you find another color, I'll go with you" There was a red m&m in it too :). I will defiantly be posting after the dance. It is on April 24th and is a Jungle theme. I am excited.


Unknown said...

YEA!!! Congrat's I am so excited for you!
That turned out so cute. Good job.

The Evans Family said...

FUN! His mom will be VERY glad that you didn't use a real chick! Amakasu's have ours! Can't wait to see pics from the dance!


Bryan, Stacie, Claire, Mia and Buddy said...

I'm so glad that you get to go. That is so fun. I can't wait to see pictures. Way to finally update the blog!