I made this quilt for my FCCLA competition. It took me 36 long hours and cost me a good amout but it was worth the time spend. I would like put send a special shout out to my assistant/best aunt ever Shannon Tobler for helping me make it. I competed at the area competion and got gold! I got 94 point out of 100! Then i went on to the state competition up in Layton. That didn't go to well. My judges loved it and they loved me(they kept saying that over and over). As i was waiting in the hall the room advisor came up to me and said she was sorry but they were going to have to deduct me a lot of points because suposidly i was supposed to put all my information on a poster and not in a portfolio. So i went form getting gold at area to getting broze at state(you get a broze if you at least show up). So whatever i guess me going to the happiest place on earth (disneyland) for nationals wasn't meant to be. At least i still get to keep this awesome quilt for the rest of my life!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Quilting is a one time thing (:
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 3:09 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 3, 2010
My Gingerbread Creation!
Well i tried to make this one but it just didn't turn out how i wanted it to.
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Washington here we come!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 8:27 PM 1 comments

Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 26, 2010
This concert was defiantly one of my top 10 best nights!! It was such a good concert! It was brad paisley, darius rucker, steel magnolia and three other guys but i dont remember their names. Darius Rucker wasn't as good as i expected but Brad was amazing! in the middle of the concert this guy just came up to me and handed me a piece of paper and said "go enjoy yourself, have a good time!" so i looked at it and it was a sixth row ticket! i was so excited and i wasn't about to waste this opportunity. so i went down there but i couldn't get clear down to the sixth row but i go down as far as i could. It was seriously hand down the best night i have had all year. Didn't get out of there and home till 2 AM but i was worth it!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 5:06 PM 2 comments
So braxton is doing fall lacrosse this year. he really likes it! it is so much fun to watch him enjoy something that he has to himself. This isn't the best season for his team right now they are 0-4 i think but oh well he is just happy that he gets to play the entire game!
Posted by Mark, Kris, Cort, CJ, "B", Ty and Cooper Packer at 5:03 PM 1 comments