Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I have to try again :(

so i took my road test today. well by the title of this post you can assume i didn't pass which would be a correct assumption. i decided that i failed all my driving things at least once and passed the second time so i will pass next time. I failed my permit test the first time and then passed the second, i fail i written test the first time then passed the second time. the only reason i didn't pass was because i was taught by my teacher to always move into the middle yellow lines for a u-turn and i had to do a u-turn and i crossed a double yellow line and didn't realize. i am so mad at myself cuz i know you shouldn't cross the double yellow line. i think the thing that messed me up was that it was a course not the actual road and that messed with me a little bit cuz you have to really have a good imagination to do it well. so now i have to go in on monday and take it again. i am so upset with myself cuz i knew better then to do something stupid like that.